PetAlive EaseSure


PetAlive EaseSure

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PetAlive EaseSure
Natural remedy for prevention and control of seizures and epilepsy in dogs and cats
Use PetAlive EaseSure to:
Treat acute seizures and epilepsy in cats and dogs
Prevent seizures from occurring
To limit after-effects of seizures such as drowsiness and clumsiness
Prevent over-stimulation of the nervous system
Settle hyperexcitable pets that are prone to seizures
Regulate blood pressure
What is EaseSure?
Although seizures are often thought of as dramatic events, there are a number of different types of seizures, some of which may appear to be quite subtle. A generalized seizure (Also known as grand mal seizure, fit or convulsion) generally causes a sudden decrease in state of consciousness, repeated movements of the body due to uncontrolled muscle contractions, excessive salivation, vomiting and often a loss of bladder and bowel control. This event may last from 30 seconds to a few minutes. It is generally followed by a period of drowsiness, difficulty walking or seeing as well as changes in behaviour which can last around 24 hours. This is known as the "Post-Ictal" period. The other main type of seizure is a focal motor seizure which is a much less dramatic occurrence. A focal motor seizure will cause just a repeated twitching movement in either the face or limbs and usually only lasts a few seconds. These type of seizures may often go unnoticed especially if they involve fairly innocuous movements like swallowing.
 Seizures occur because of a change in the electrical activity of the brain. This can be caused by a variety of things including diseases of the nervous system and the brain itself such as epilepsy. Seizures may also be the result of an inury to the head, a tumour in the brain, toxic chemicals, poisons, very high fever and even nutrient deficiencies such as calcium deficiency in nursing mothers. Diabetic pets will seizure when their glucose levels drop too low. Treatment for seizures is directed at the underlying cause or disease in cases where this is known. Anti-epileptic drugs such as Phenobarbital are commonly used to prevent seizures which are severe or occur frequently. Potassium bromide is also used to control seizure activity in pets that don’t respond to Phenobarbital or who show signs of over-sedation on doses of phenobarb. In the case of continued, repeated seizures your vet may treat your pet with intravenous valium and even put your pet under anaesthetic in order to stop the abnormal electrical activity that is happening in your pet’s brain. It is important to seek medical care for your pet if he/she has more than one seizure per month, has changed behaviour in between the seizures (excluding the “Post-ictal” period directly after the seizure) or becomes generally lethargic, has difficulty in walking or refuses food. Seek urgent veterinary attention in the case of your pet seizuring continuously.
There is a lot that can be done at home to help your pet if it is prone to seizures. Pets who have seizures usually need extra care around the home and while traveling. If you have a swimming pool and your pets are routinely outside, it is best to keep the pool covered (and any water that is deep enough to drown in should be kept covered). If your dog or cat has a collar with tags on it, it is best to remove both the collar and tags – as it may get cause choking during a seizure (pets can be micro-chipped for identification). You may investigate the advantages of crating your animal while you are not at home (for their own safety), or while transporting your animal in the car. You may also want to make a special area for your animal that contains no furniture, where the curtains can be drawn and comfortable blanket laid down. Baby gates can also be used to block off stairs, and padding used near glass sliding doors. If you have a number of dogs, keep in mind that a dog or cat having a seizure may trigger other dogs to instinctively see the animal experiencing the seizure as ‘injured’ – and may trigger ‘pack’ attack behavior. Always give your pets basic obedience training so that they will respond to you in such a situation. Lastly, keep your vet’s number at hand at all times. PetAlive EaseSure is a 100% natural blend of herbal and homeopathic ingredients specially selected to treat and prevent seizures in pets. It may be used to relieve acute seizures of multiple causes immediately and may also be used preventatively for the treatment of chronic seizure disorders. EaseSure Drops may be used instead of, or along with, your pet's conventional medication for seizures. However, it is not recommended that you discontinue your pet's prescription medication without consulting your veterinarian. Also consult your veterinarian first when deciding to use EaseSure simultaneously with prescription medication so that your pet's progress may be adequately monitored.
PetAlive EaseSure contains the following 100% natural ingredients: Passiflora incarnata (Passionflower), Scuttelaria laterifolia (Skullcap), Hyoscyamus (30C), Belladonna (30C), Cuprum mettalicum (30C)
Chronic: Mix drops in a favourite treat two to three times daily.
Acute: Half the recommended dose may be mixed into a little water and squirted or spooned directly into the back of the mouth when needed (repeat after 5 minutes for up to two doses if necessary).
Cats and small dogs: 2 - 3 drops.
Medium dogs: 5 drops.
Large dogs: 8 - 10 drops.
Caution: Please consult your veterinarian should symptoms persist. Safety during pregnancy and nursing not yet established. EaseSure may be taken along with prescription medication from your vet, however it is best to do this under supervision of your vet as, with continued use of EaseSure, the dosage of your pet’s prescription medication may be lowered or even stopped altogether.
Note: EaseSure may be used along with PetCalm for added support.